What is Graduated Compression Stockings?

In GCS, maximum pressure is applied to the ankle with gradually decreases towards the calf and/or thigh. This allows the blood to be pushed back to the heart for purification.

They are available in 3 compression levels namely Class I (18-21 mm Hg), Class II (23-32 mm Hg), & Class III (18-21 mm Hg)

Trivia: Compression stockings have to be graduated and not uniform to provide maximum benefit to the individual wearing them.

How does graduated compression help?


Veins in the legs send blood back to the heart through a series of valves that open and close, with muscle contraction preventing backward flow of blood. A multitude of problems; such as age, disease, heredity, overweight, as well as prolonged sitting or standing can cause these valves to malfunction, thus allowing blood to pool in the lower legs. The result is pain, swelling and stagnation of the blood. Application of graduated compression helps the veins to empty and assists the return of blood to the heart, relieving tired/aching legs and other leg problems as mentioned above.

Purpose of Compression Stockings

In GCS, maximum pressure is applied to the ankle with gradually decreases towards the calf and/or thigh. This allows the blood to be pushed back to the heart for purification.

They are available in 3 compression levels namely Class I (18-21 mm Hg), Class II (23-32 mm Hg), & Class III (18-21 mm Hg)

Trivia: Compression stockings have to be graduated and not uniform to provide maximum benefit to the individual wearing them.

State of the art Manufacturing

Sorgen Compression Stockings are manufactured using latest technology and are committed
to highest quality standards. The products are subjected to strict quality controls which incl udes manual checking for each batch.

MST Technology

Medical Compression Stockings and support Stockings use the MST Professional. These devices, under the brand name MST (Medical Stocking Tester) have become indispensable aids to quality control in numerous textile laboratories world-wide.

Utmost Quality Assurance

Our range of products are hand picked from the most premium varieties available worldwide and are delivered to you with utmost precision. We serve and sets a new direction for better healthcare outcomes. Every product is carefully crafted right from selecting the finest raw materials, ensuring a perfect fit to suit your requirements to successfully passing stringent quality checks.

Secure with Sorgen

Made from the finest yarns


Fabric composition contains 68% Polyamide and 31% Lycra. Compression stockings are made of premium fabrics and are manufactured using lat est machinery with high quality control.


Fabric composition contains 69% Polyamide and 32% Lycra. Microfibers are the finest of all fibers, synthetic, and natural. They can be twice as fine as silk, which is the finest of all natural fibers known to man


Fabric composition contains 69% Polyamide and 32% Lycra. Microfibers are the finest of all fibers, synthetic, and natural. They can be twice as fine as silk, which is the finest of all natural fibers known to man.

What makes Sorgen different

Reinforced Heel

As Medical Compression Stockings are to be usually to be worn daily, its durability is a very important aspect. Especially the heel and toe are repeatedly used.

Silicon band

Medical Compression Stockings which extend up to the thigh are equipped with a silicon band for extra grip and support. In India, the anatomy of most of the patients


Medical Compression Stockings which extend up to the thigh are equipped with a silicon band for extra grip and support. In India, the anatomy of most of the patients

Setting standards for a better quality of life

Our thoughts and actions are shaped by our love of challenges and setting standards with
the best products and concepts. We think outside the box, looking for new approaches and constantly developing our expertise.